Data Export Service alternative using Dataverse Web API and Azure Data Factory

Earlier in the year I was tasked by my client to explore possible alternatives to the soon to be depreciated Dynamics 365 Data Export Service (DES). In this article I have described some of my findings and the high level design of the solution proposed and implemented. The client was using the DES to...

Real time Train Operator Performance Analysis with Azure Event Hubs and Databricks Structured Streaming

Network Rail is the owner and infrastructure manager for most of the rail network in UK. They have been operating a real time data feed for quite a long time, but the feed was pretty much limited to the train operating companies (TOC's). In recent years however they have also made available a public...

Docker Containers for SQL Server shared database development

Whilst most application development environments utilise local databases running on individual developer machines, some projects such as ETL and data warehousing may require to work with shared databases where the databases run on a shared server and used on by many developers working on multiple...